The Fear

You are standing on the stage, 
Feeling nervous, anxious and blue, 
With different ideas and of different age, 
There are people in front of you. 

They came to listen to your voice, 
They are waiting for you to start, 
Maybe they're quiet, maybe full of noise, 
But today you will speak your heart. 

Today's your day, your time to shine, 
You take a deep breathe and speak, 
All's well if the ending is fine, 
Don't let your heart be fickle and weak.
While you speak what you want to say, 
Your heart is quivering inside, 
For a mistake, what is the price to pay? 
Your dark fear you can't hide. 

You fear deep inside you might forget, 
Or maybe speak something wrong, 
Even though you hate your current state, 
You know well that you aren't strong. 

You fear that the people will laugh at you, 
Or make fun of a mistake you made, 
If it happens, it'll be hard to get through, 
The dark memories will never fade. 

The fear is eating at you as you stand, 
In front of all those people who are there, 
Your fear can be seen from your shaking hand, 
As you look at their scary stare. 

But why fret for, what isn't sure to happen? 
And why ruin your shining day? 
Why not make that very fear your weapon? 
And make sure it goes your way. 

Why not improvise your way of speech, 
With that fear that has ruined your day? 
And just be confident even if there's a hitch, 
Cause not everything goes your way. 

So if it's something you can't control, 
Why worry for something like that? 
Just ask yourself, what are you afraid for? 
Just focus on the good things instead. 

Focus on it that you got the chance, 
That many people don't get, 
Of speaking your words in front of the audience, 
So be happy but do not fret. 

~Mystery Night


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